Tuesday, January 13, 2009


That one word took the entire Additional Mathematics class from Matrices into a whole new direction.

First, Mr. Kulpa asked us what came to mind when you hear the word "singular" - singular where the matrix has a zero determinant meaning that its inverse does not exist.

I won't share with you our foolish thoughts, but Mr. Kulpa said the word brought to his mind the term "singularity".

See, Mr. Kulpa is a man of both complex math and complex science - a truly impressive combination, if you ask me. Heck, when he writes words on the board his writing seems to be a mixture of mathematical symbols, upper-class letters and alphabets.

So anyway, for the rest of the period we discussed quantum mechanics, string theory, wormholes, black holes, the time-space continuum, the bending of light and the current standing of science in the world today.

He claims Astronomy to be the King of Science as it utilises all the known sciences, whereas Mathematics is the Queen.

As he spoke, he began to draw diagrams and theories all over the board from atomic structures to how light is trapped in a black hole. His knowledge on the subject was truly astounding.

I'll never look at Mr. Edward Kulpa in the same way again.*

*not a bad thing.

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