Monday, January 28, 2008

Tag Your It


*I mean no offence in the next few lines below*

Name 5 Friends of the opposite sex.Then:
a) How old are they?(This year)
b) Where are they currently?
c) How long have you known them?
d) Answer the questions below...
e) Tag 5 people.

1 - Teoh Jiah Sze (15, Malaysia, 9 years)
2 - Joanne Lim (14, Malaysia, 2 years )
3 - Janice Tan (16, Malaysia, 2 years)
4 - Kimberley Tan (14, Malaysia, 2 years)
5 - Julie Chan (15, Malaysia, 2 years)

1) Would you rather:

a) Party with 1(Jiah Sze) or 5(Julie)?

Definitely Jiah Sze. Aweshum friend. :D

b) Marry 2(Joanne) or 4(Kimberley)?

Can I like sort of pass? It would be very unfair if I DID choose one. ;D

c) Kill 3(Janice) or 5(Julie)?

Julie. Sure she's all smart and talented, yes, but I think she has a desire for turning me green.

d) Date 1(Jiah Sze) or 2(Joanne)?

Jiah Sze. ;)

e) Make out with 1(Jiah Sze) or 3(Janice)?

LOL. Should I answer this one? Hmmm... ;)

f) Cuddle with 2(Joanne) or 5(Julie)?

Let's see. Hmm... Tough one. I would say, my pillow. It IS it's job to be like cuddled.

g) Have kids with 3(Janice) or 4(Kimberley)?

Eughhh. Please.

h) Live with 1(Jiah Sze) or 3(Janice)?

Jiah Sze. She plans stuff really well. Like in Singapore (a little adventure a while back). *winks to Ellya, Jiah Sze or Jason*

i) Be stuck on an island with 2(Joanne) or 5(Julie)?

Julie. She'll sing songs while I bask in the sun-soaked beaches. :)

j) Trade lives with 3(Janice) or 4(Kimberley)?

Janice! She has like chinese drum skills and brains! :D

k) Wake up next to 1(Jiah Sze) or 5(Julie)?

Okayyyy. Before I answer, please not, when I sleep I transform into a evil snoring monster.

l) Completely disown 2(Joanne) or 4(Kimberley)?

Both. :)

Jokinggg. LOL. Do I even own any of them?

m) Has 3(Janice) ever hurt you?

YES! She like pushed me and we both fell on the stereo. Aweshum experience though slightly painful in the process.

n) Have you ever hurt 4(Kimberley)?

Nop. Don't plan to. :)

o) Who's the funniest?

Every single one of them. Crack me up all the time. ;D

p) Can you beat up 5(Julie)?

Pffft. Hell yeah. ;DD

q) Who's the smartest?

Jiah Sze. She's like the smartest-est person I've ever known.

r) How long have you known 5(Julie)?

1 year and a half. When I first heard her sing I was like, :O

s) Who's 3(Janice) dating/crushing on?

No idea. But I would/will/shall/eventually/must find out.

t) Does 2(Joanne) smell good?

Does she even have a smell? She smells like air, which by my terms is friggin' awesome. :D

u) Who will you still be talking to in 5 years?

All of 'em.

v) Which in your list is the nicest?

Hmm... tough one. ;D

2) Who has the better:

a) Smile - 1(Jiah Sze)

Purdeeee. :)

b) Attitude - 3(Janice)

Laughs at everything. *must develop trait

c) Voice - 5(Julie)

Do I really need to spell this one out for ya?

d) Body - ****** (not according to name.)


e) Face - ****** (not according to name.)

My little secret.

f) Clothes - NO IDEA

I'm not the fashionable sort.


(--- If you tak ada blog, go get one and type this crap out. :)---)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Of Tests and More Tests

Well now, today is Sunday marking the last day of the week. Tests are beginning tomorrow and I think I've read the Solitary Reaper more than 5 times already. A NEW RECORD. :D

All the best to all international and national Cempakans!


Well I'm off cycling. Later.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Colour Me Excited

Well now, why am I excited exactly? Well there's one amazing and utterly astounding reason to why that's so.


Truly one might assume I'm over-reacting but to tell you the truth I. AM. NOT.

So here's the low-down on a few games that have caught my eye this year. Oh and btw if you don't have a Playstation 3 for some of these games, either go get one or bug off. THANK YEW. :D


1) Resistance 2
The first Resistance was the defining game for the PlayStation 3 for some time, offering up a fantastic single-player campaign and a killer online system, which has arguably yet to be matched on the system. Insomniac's promises for the sequel are extremely high, but the studio has delivered every time out, so I'm expecting them to nail it again.

2) Killzone 2
While some of the design elements and intense shootouts look like great fun, I'm more interested in this for the technical aspects to see what the PlayStation 3 can really do. The lighting effects and animation quality look absolutely amazing, and if it takes off like we expect it to, the game should raise the visual bar across the system. Let's just hope the gameplay is as strong as the graphics, and that Guerilla can deliver a great online experience to boot.

3) Grand Theft Auto IV
I'm supposed to fill this space with a bunch of text, but what's the point?

It's Grand Theft Auto IV.

On the PlayStation 3.

Does anything else really need to be said?

4) Farcry 2
Far Cry and Crysis engage a part of my brain that's just not touched by many other games, so when I heard about Far Cry 2, I knew it was going to be one of the game's that I wanted to get my hands on this year. The open-ended combat seems more focused and flexible than in other similar "go where you want" shooters and the improvements in AI should make this a very challenging game indeed. I also love the fact that we're finally getting away from the tiresome jungle and heading to the plains of Africa. Judging from the visuals, it looks like Ubisoft is pulling out all the stop for the new engine as well.

5) Starcraft 2
After 10 short years, Blizzard is finally bringing back its StarCraft franchise. While many will babble non-stop about how popular it is in professional gaming circles, I'm not particularly drawn to that aspect. Of course I enjoy the multiplayer and appreciate a well-balanced RTS, but I'm never entering into professional gaming leagues, so I'm as much interested in the single-player campaign as I am in how it plays online. And the single-player for this game looks pretty interesting, taking a sort of point-and-click adventure approach as you move through ships, consult NPCs, and plan which battles to engage in next.

6) Prototype
Prototype brings a different hero with a different set of abilities but the same basic appeal. The city is yours for the taking as everything from climbing buildings to taking the shape of those around you is possible. Talk about exploring New York. Then there's the plot which should pack as much intrigue as a full-hour of the X-Files. Conspiracy theories and reality-bending action? Yes, please.

7) Tiberium
Evolving the tactical shooter experience by taking core gameplay compulsions like commanding, choice and dominating your enemies and delivering them in first-person, EA looks like its giving birth to one handsome baby. Some of the weapons and mechanics are truly innovative for a first-person game. This is a game that has the potential to really make a mark on the canon of sci-fi fantasy fiction. The new game has been subject to rigorous preparation, and promises a mix of tactical action and gunplay, with players in control infantry, armour and air squads in their travels through the Command & Conquer universe. Sign me up!

8) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
If you need more proof that video games are reaching the same league as movies these days, just take a look at Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the upcoming action game from LucasArts. The Force Unleashed will get almost the same full treatment as a movie, given that it will be supported by a wide variety of ancillary products, including a novel, action figures, a miniatures line, a comic book, and more. However, at the heart of all this is a game that will let you play as Darth Vader's secret apprentice, a budding and powerful young Sith tasked with hunting down the last of the Jedi knights. This is looking like one of the most exciting--and easily the most beautiful--Star Wars games ever.

9) Army of Two
Tag-teaming with a buddy has never been so fun. Top it all up with a war, political turmoil and a conspiracy so vast it threatens the entire world, it becomes a pure master-piece. Now, who wants to be MY ever snappy partner in crime?

10) Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
One departure from more traditional first-person shooters is that the player is not a soldier; in fact the main character has no connection to the military. The player is Dan Carson, an average construction worker and instead of trying to win the war single-handedly, like in some other war-based FPS games, the main objective is simply to survive total war. Sounds particularly fun. Plus you get to kill the villains of WWII.

Well so these are my most anticipated games of 2008. Don't get me wrong there are loads of other impressive games about to be released in the coming year. In fact, just go wait outside a game store 'till they get a new shipment of games. ;D

Sunday, January 20, 2008


One word to describe my day today? If I could could choose any word in the dictionary to describe it, it would be "exhilarating".

Got to catch up with my ever trusty associates, Bryan and Sean from down the lane. In the morning we swam at Kota Permai for a mind-boggling 2 hour period. We swam, had loads of laughs and hoped for Mcdonald's. Sadly the last wish was unfortunately declined for today. Another day then.

Then I went back to play some Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction once more. It was awesome. I finally found all the schematics for the RYNO IV. The most destructive weapon in the game. And there are alot of destructive tools in this game (thus the name). I feel so accomplished.

Well then later in the evening went cycling with the two brothers again. We cycled all round Kota Kemuning rating hills on how high they were and bullying Sean for his speed in cycling. It was fun . Very actually. Then we went to the park that I have always called "The Park Behind Ken Jin's House". (It is named as such for obvious reasons).

Then in the evening we lepaked in the front of my house for about half an hour discussing why neither of our houses had an ample amount of 100 plus, wish we needed terribly. Then while our mothers were talking, Bryan and I sneaked upstairs, turned on my computer and double-clicked on the attractive icon that read, "Crysis". We played and laughed like some psychotic maniacs. Yes, we died loads. Well not exactly "we" it was more of Bryan, really. I rule at the game. ;D

And he went back at 7. So here I am now, in my room, typing this very long recollection of today's events to you wonderful people. Overall today was one helluva day.

And now my organiser, business studies books and music are beckoning me for attention. As such I am now about to leave you wonderful people to tend to their needs. :)

If you (the reader) are from Cempaka Cheras, well then see you come this Monday! If not, well, maybe another Monday. Taaa.

Friday, January 18, 2008

New Purpose

I have heard that most of you are saying my blog is on the verge of "death". So in accordance to that I shall now perform CPR to bring it back to life.

Well I have since started my probation as a probationary prefect. I'm currently in my 2nd week now. So wish me luck! ;D

Other updates include me learning "Contour Art" in Fine Arts. So awesome. It's literally drawing with your eyes. Really. Simply stunning.

Made LOADS of new friends. Even more LOADS of work. I have also started to use a sort of diary/notebook sort of thing to keep myself more "updated" and "organised".

Well later. Oh and for the Cempakans, ALL THE BEST FOR MONTHLY TEST.

I am certain you will all do brilliantly.

CEC (Cempaka Entrepreneur Club) has also selling shares. So start buying!



*To the 9 Terrans, "I'm still as straight as ever." ;)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The End of a Year and the Birth of a Year

Well 2007 is over and 2008 is here! Happy New Year everyone! May the coming year bring prosperity, hopes, dreams and many opportunities for you!

And I believe yesterday was someone's birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANAAR! And today would be Bernard Keo's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEO!!!

Today also marks the day I finished my Commonwealth Essay.