Friday, May 22, 2009

Get Well Soon, Maxine.

UPDATE: Breaking news. Maxine's condition is improving! She was walking around the vet's today and she actually started eating again! However, the doctor says not to get our hopes too up, as even though the signs show otherwise the virus could be still inside her.

Maxi's at the veterinarian's right now.

We suspect that she has been afflicted with the Power Virus disease; a very serious viral disease. Puppies from three to six months old are particularly susceptible. She has lost a considerable amount of weight and has become lethargic.

There really is no cure for this illness -- the vet can only help her body to get stronger so that her antibodies can do the rest.

Maxine's only been with us for four days, but now the house just doesn't feel right without her. Like there's something missing.

All we can do now is wait.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

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