Friday, December 7, 2007

The Truth and its possible Outcomes


Now I've been asked this question many times before... "Are you gay?" Or even the fact "He's soo gay." *enter a BIG smile. a VERY BIG one actually*

The answer to that confoundingly easy and simple question would be a straight and direct, "No." And the reply that would come immediately after it would be a very complicated and extremely sarcastic, "Yea, right" or a "Yea and I'm the king of the world". Very imaginative and creative answers if you ask me. ;D But truthfully if you ask me, I'd say "I'm straight. Sorry guys. Look for someone else. :)"

Proof of my so called "straightness"? Well I have none. Because, I'd say I'm neutral (single/no crushes/no mutual feelings for someone). Sorry guys (or girls :) ). haha. Well keep trying. Though I may have someone in mind. In the far bright corner of my very small and sarcastic little mind which I shall now name "Bernard's private little room of secrets".

I possibly pass her on the street everyday without a glance. She, never suspecting, never knowing. Does she even know yet? How long can I dwell in the shadows, before either fate, or my own flawed humanity draws me out into the light again? And how will I know what awaits me when it finally does?

*Yes, this a very spiritual post. I kinda feel that way now. You should too. :)
Plus I'm very much into the song "Eyes by Rogue Wave". I listen it constantly. Go get it. It's AWESOME.
AND I'd like to congratulate, again, all the new probates in the international sector of Cempaka Schools. Great job guys and do your duties well. ;D

1 comment:

hananarrr said...

i know you're not gay...
but this post made you sound like a stalker...
hehe, jk