Friday, June 12, 2009

365 Days.

The Year 11's have finished their IGCSE Papers.

Which means they most probably won't be around school anymore. Cempaka Cheras isn't going to be the same without them around.

I think I've reached the stage of life where I start seeing people take their own paths while I take mine. I'm not going to say goodbye, because our paths may cross yet again in the unforeseeable future. The Fates were never that unreasonable.

This also means that I have just about a year until I finish my IGCSE Papers. Ergo, I have that amount of time before my highschool session ends; or at least that's how it appears for now.

I'm making my highschool venture in Cempaka count.

There exists a star above that always steals my stare.

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